Monday, 8 April 2013

Books to Video Games, Video Games to Movies and Movies to Video Games.

Video Games, Books , Movies.

Books to Video Games, is it a good idea? This is debatable of course but it seems this happens a lot less often than movies to video games.. the best example I can think of a book that has been made into a video Game is Alice in Wonderland, in fact the book was made into an animated movie as well as a real motion picture movie and also a video game. Each of these were very successful and enjoyable to watch and play. Slicing the eyes out of a teapot in Madness Returns? Priceless!

Animated Alice, Actor Alice, Video Game Alice
But why do we see less of books to video games is this because game developers don't want to risk time or money on something that may not be something gamers enjoy? Or just because it's a lot more difficult to recreate a world from a book rather than imitating that of a movie? Comics on the other hand were recreated into video games already on consoles such as the NES, Spider-Man and Batman for example.

My opinion is that it is a lot harder to create a character from a book in a graphical way than it is to say find a short actress with blonde hair and blue eyes, I also believe it's based on a publicity factor. Why would you want to waste money and years of time to create a game based off a book that no one is so interested in that they are going to buy the video game of it. Which I can understand because there are so many people that love to read but don't enjoy to play video games (HOW DARE THEY), I for one do not enjoy reading but I live for video games.

However, if a book is made into a movie.. For example Lord of the Rings (everyone loves Lord of the Rings) and then that movie becomes a great success.. Then all the ground work is there to make a great game. The characters are easier to create, the environment and every aspect of the book/movie is so much easier to remake into a video game. The best thing is, the name is so well known that any Lord of the Rings fan is most likely going to go and purchase the game!

There are countless Lord of the Rings video games out there in this current day, even Lego Lord of the Rings and a Lord of the Rings MMORPG, Which are spread between all platforms. Which brings me onto my next subject..

Video Games to Movies 

So is this a good idea? Well if the games a great success, why the hell not right guys? No. Do you remember Super Mario Bro's the Movie? What the hell was that. It was eye bleeding terrible, there was no resemblance to the game what so ever apart from they shared the same names! But that was not the only fail of a video game transition, it may take home the prize for most terrible movie ever, but it was not the only fail.

I honestly can not say one movie that was based off a video game that I enjoyed or would go back to watch again, sure watched Tomb Raider the movie.. Did not leave the cinema with my mind blown of how great the movie was. But it was blown by WHY THE HELL ANGELINA JOLIE. She looks nothing like Lara Croft. Which is why for me, movies based of video games usually ruin characters for me. Especially when you like the actual character then only to see the character you spent many gaming hours with is played by someone you are not too fond of. Little tip from me; do NOT watch Dragon Ball Z the movie. You may cry, or worse.. go on an insane kamehameha rampage with yellow hair and 6 episodes of screaming.

If you are still reading my ramblings, I would like to know what your opinion on video games to movies is. Send us a tweet and let us know. But do I think they should stop it completely? Nah, because it can be done right, though I would personally like to see more CG movies based off video games, rather than real motion pictures. Also movies have done it well with comic book characters such as Batman, Batman movies are great. They are amazing. So it can definitely be done. Let's just wait and see what Blizzard have up their sleeve with their upcoming World of Warcraft movie.

Thanks for reading


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